
I would not bother you sir
But you see, I've loved you (it seems) all my life
The only lamp I've looked forward to on my way home
Too often than not
So little to look forward in this world,
Except for you
I've always loved you
And I'm scared, sir
I'm scared
What if you never knew?
What if I never told you?
What if you passed and the words never passed my lips to your ears:
"I love you."?
What if you were gone?
And I had no gull to tell you
Those simple words
Of all the useless words
I say all day long
And yet
I could not tell you
The pitter patter I had always hoped to hear
On the floor of my house
Just once to be yours
What if you never knew?
I love you, sir
Just those words would suffice
No such requirement would I expect of you
Not even to care
Just so you know
That I love you

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