
Please Don't Tell Anyone I Came Here

I have to drink water before alcohol now
I drink far too much
I have a dog named ____
Sorry no names
Even for her
I do walk her at least a mile each day.
I watch lost
I love my husband now
He's great!
I work for him
I'm drunk now
I'm not sure when someone will come and save me
I'd rather be homeless
(Because I want to have the strength to do it myself)
I'd rather drink my life away
Like the man who was found in the park and was offered
help by his niece
He said
"No! Leave me here! I like this way of living!"
That is when I realized there were many ways of living.
I think I can write now
If I just imagine I'm writing to you
Will that work for you, ___
No names, remember?
No names
I don't have one
That's certainly true
My husband is making instant noodles
We use to have some of the same kind in Hawaii
I'm going to beg some off of him

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