
When I tell you we're no longer together

Don't be sad. Don't say 'I'm sorry.' Don't smile because you think it was the right thing to do, given the situation. Don't stare off blindly, not knowing what to say at all. Just support me, no matter what. Know that this process started years before you and I knew it had. Know that there is a way to happiness, and there is the way that always was. Just be there in the moment with me, as I am with you. Nothing you do or say could be worse though, ever, than not putting yourself in my shoes and listening to me calmly and respectfully. Because not knowing what to say or do in these situations usually happens with all people. But trust me, words sting, at times it seems permanently, after a loss when someone has said the wrong thing. But caring is never lost or forgotten as something marked and remembered as the one feeling that felt good through it all.

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