
I remember you like a silken, soft cloth

I remember you like a silken, soft cloth.

I remember you like a silken, soft cloth
Kept in the corners of a forgotten pocket

I remember you like a silken, soft cloth
In these depths too chosen to remember
That I live in this moment
Just this moment

I remember you like a silken, soft cloth.


Just Sayn'

Dear World,

There are so, so many popular songs that back up this bad decision. Just so you know.


M______ e


Find ex boyfriend
Because think of ex boyfriend
While think of
Good idea
To have
Much wine
With bottled skinny girl margirta
Too early of evening
Wine must have been blessed
Found said boyfriend
Social media you goddess
Ex has new girl
Skinner, prettier
F* Skinny girl Margarita
Happy trails
Former dude
At least have audioslave
F*** yeah like a stone.


We have smiling, knowing eyes we share
But not today
Only on remembrance.


Whatever fills the hole

Whatever fills the hole: I get upset when you use me for what you shouldn't  be using me for.
Me: I personally get upset when you're gone, I can't get to you, or anytime I'm halfway through using you, and when there's just enough of you left to say you're nearly gone.
Whatever fills the hole: You're living an unhealthy life style.
Me:  Life is too unfair, right now, to live a healthy one!
Whatever fills the hole: More than just me worries about you.
Me: You'e gone, I'm upset. I'm getting more of you. Be right back.



So, since I've gotten here
My phone has sizzled out and died
I've gotten the wrong phone so I can't text
Or texting takes FOREVER
Because the phone is from an early 2000 model
Where you have to poke and poke and poke
Until you get the right letter to appear
So I scream in my head
YES, it's an S, that's I wanted!
Oh, and all that sizzling ruined all the contacts in my phone
Then I had a sheering pain in the left side of my month
While I tried to sleep
That ended being a wisdom tooth
Rotting away.
So 300 or some odd dollars I get that taken out on Tuesday.
Then I find out the buses here kinda suck
The people are kinda scary
I kinda hate it here
And fear the winter.
I have no decent bar just down the road
And I want to stick my head in a bay of hey
Milk some cows for minimum wage
While me and my dog sleep in the barn.


What I'm going to do once I move

So far:

Complete a puzzle with cover art by Kim Leo or an Autumn town.

Something I wrote in my journal a long time ago

Sometimes I don't feel like little red riding hood, at all. Sometimes, I feel like if you ripped open my stomach, there'd be poor, sweet granny lying patiently, right there to be rescued.

Sink in my soul (Long time ago written poem)

There's a sink in my soul.
It's dirty, corroded and antique.
I've long since ignored that of the three overhanging light bulbs,
Only one remains lit.
It doesn't work at all this sink,
But everyday it overflows.
I wash myself solely from this sink.
With is dirty, smelly, septic water.
And it's grainy dirt sponge on my body as an exfoliate
The drips of flow are interrupted by air pockets
That make it burst sometimes as jets of water.
I hate how I smell at times,
But it's the only place I have to wash at all.


Long time ago writng

I find my myself slipping away to walk lately. Walking and walking, turning a dull, roaring "You must do this and that." voice down to an itsy bitsy voice. I go walking until I don't care about the journey or the reward. I walk and write imaginary things in imaginary journals. I walk until I like myself again.

Long time ago written poem

I was at the edge of hope
The precise purity of the unforgivably
Past and (present?) beginning to realize all I wanted was him
I was bleeding for a beginning,
Life and him to notice
As I began to notice my own subsequent
That went down like an old, cold air dropped into a drain pipe.
The facet of my understanding
began to shape that there were just some things


"We'll see each other again"

You said "We'll see each other again"
I said "We don't live on the same side of town, if you know what I mean"
But you looked on so passively!
And you looked and sounded so confident.
You seemed like you knew we'd see each other again
But I wasn't
I was convinced this was it.
I didn't know if we'd see each other again
Oh! How I wanted what you said to be true
But now that I'm going
I can do nothing but cry
And those thoughts out loud haunt me to this day
Because there's nothing
More that I want right now
Than that to be true.


If computers were my friends

What computers would sound like (and I wish the world) if they talked like my friends from college.

"B#$%*, that ain't how you spell it! That ain't a word! Whatcha be thinking you doin'?"
"OHHHHHHH! She blocked yours a@#$, what did you do!!!?"
"OHHHH yous gonna follow him, huh? Yous gonna google him, girlfriend? Yous gonna eat your heart out here in an empty room, in front of a blinking screen, crying? Yous gonna be lonely forever, girlfriend."


Aw high school

When I was in high school, a boy wanted to test out a joke on me. So he yelled "Hey! Will you go out with me?" I was the joke, as I wasn't very popular, I was a recluse. So I tested out my joke on him, I responded "I don't date outside my species!"


Want to see my apartment?

Lets go to my place.
IE: lets have sex
Lets let me do exactly all
Of what I want to do
Let me show you my world
Without really letting you in
Even if i like you,
You know this wont last
Not as long as long as you are so unquestionable compliant
I like and hate that.
I will take you, if you let me
But I wont make a thing of it if you won't
Because I'm not going to call you either way.


To walk away

A Lot of times
I want to call him
And put my two hands over his cute, pump cheeks
And look into his eyes
And say everything I should have said
But he's not the him that I think he is
He's some construction I've edited in my mind
Of exactly the person I wanted him to be
Because all I wanted was something different
Something more lasting
A boyfriend
And I got one
And I hurt him
I hurt them all
And I would continue to hurt them
Semi amuse them
Take advantage of them
Scare them
Reject them
Because everyone loves rejection'
If I didn't just stick to what I've been sticking to all along
Which is to walk away.


My thoughts

Generation X (concerning conversations with other people): "If you're not going to say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Generation Y (concerning conversations with other people): "If you're not going to say anything funny, STFU."

(I like the GIF below, she's like F my dreams. LOL)


A stupid poem brought to you by stupid decsions

To all I've had to say goodbye to after alcohol... but mostly just men.....

Away from you
I have to get away from you
This is me getting away from you
Because it's all choices, see?
And I have mine and you have yours.
And we've both made ours
And mine is to be
Away from you

(I will have to say life is boring without you.)