

Time is commodity
Just as currency
Is currency
Just as love
Dimension--it's a line/other stuff?
fields upon fields within this world
The field inside/outside... a feather!
a touch and go...
an ocean
a face
Looking at a wave 
that connects to
the same wave 
That had come from somewhere else...
and goes... inside that instant
it's as thought we have time travel
Somehow we have it all in a wave, crashing onto an opposing ocean shore

(sorry for stupide poem of stupid collected thoughts. I needed this.)


Talking back

I'm not a bad poet
I'm not a bad person
I'm me
I'm worth it
I'll survive
As I have
I love and have loved and will love again
I know what's right
I know what's wrong
I also know what's killing me inside
And what will destroy me 
Absolutely obliterate me