

I'm so sorry I care!
I'm so sorry I loved you!
I'm so sorry I checked up on you!
I'm so sorry I knew you
Still, in fact exsist
I'm so sorry you once knew me
That I'm a sh#% stain on your memory
I'm so sorry I'm ____
I'm so sorry I love you.
I'm so sorry I adore you
At one pointed looked into your
Blue eyes
Your brown eyes
At your blonde head
Felt your gut against mine
Held your hand in mine
Talked to you
Laughed with you
Knew you
Wanted to see you
Was near you
Even breathed in the same breath at the same moment you
I'm not sorry
Because I'm still alive
And I still love you
I lie
and have lied
But my lips have never touched yours
So aren't you the lucky one,



I know this guy
I love this guy
I've hugged this guy
I've listened to this guy sing
I wanted to be with this guy
This guy is thousands of miles away
Just to get to this guy I would have to pay half my pay check
Ever cent would be worth it though
I want to be near this guy
Nothing about this is worth it.